Monday, March 19, 2012


(أبو ظبي ، 11 - 2009)

هل انفصلنا؟ ابتعدت ، قصدت الابتعاد لكنني لم أقصد الانفصال. لم أنوِ الانفصال. لم ننفصل.

كل ما في الأمر انني بعيد، لكننا لم ننفصل. غريب. أعاني عوارض انفصال بشع، انفصال محطم، لم أقوَ حتى الآن ، لم أستطع أن أتعافى. كعاشق انفصل عن حبيبته في أوج العشق، و لم يستطع تخطي هذه العلاقة. لم أقصد الانفصال، و لم ننفصل، لن نفعلها. لا يمكن. و لكن منذ ذلك الحين...

الساعة التاسعة مساءً. أنا في الطريق الى المطار و أنت معي. أنت دائماً معي. أنظر إليكِ. هل يعقل أن تكون هذه آخر لحظات حياتنا سويةً؟ لا يمكنني استيعاب هذه الفكرة. لا، فأنا دائماً أعرف قدرُكِ، أعرفك و أعرف أنني لا أستطيع أن أنفصل عنك. لم أعرف سواك منذ ولادتي. أنت الوحيدة و الوحيدة أنت. طبعاً كان هنالك محاولات و كلها كانت تردني اليك. أعاني عوارض انفصال بشع!

كل ما استمتعنا به سوية لا أقوى على أن أقوم به بعيداً عنك! أهذا دلع؟ أأنا "دلّوع"؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك فهذا بسببك! أنتِ "دلّعتني"!!! كل هواياتي الجميلة، كل ما استمتع به لا أقوى عليه منذ تركتكِ!

العاشرة و الطائرة تقلع، و أنا أحدق في النافذة. خائف، لا، مرتعب من الانفصال. لم أقصد أن أنفصل. تترائين لي، أراكِ. الطائرة خالية. أرتعب مجدداً، أبكي. لا أريد الانفصال. أنت تعلمين لماذا أتركك. أنت تعرفين كم أعشقك، و تعرفينني جيداً حين أعشق. ببساطة هذا كل شيء. تعرفين أنني لن أنفصل، سأترككِ لفترة، و لكن ما زلنا معاً.

لم أستطع قراءة كتاب واحد منذ تركتك. حتى الموسيقى التي أحبها لا أقوى على سماعها. موسيقى لا تمت اليك بصلة. لا تعرفك، تذكرني بك. عوارض انفصال بشع!!

أحاول مخاطبتك. بكل أغاني فيروز أخاطبك. بكل أغاني فيروز أحبك. تقتلني هذه الأغاني. لم أقصد حبيبتي أن أتركك. لم أقصد و لكنني عشقت. لم أعشق عليك، عشقت بقدر ما أعشقك. أعلم أنك دائمة، أعلم أنك ستنتظرينني و أعلم أنك تعرفينني حين أعشق ، لم ننفصل.

يااااه!! سنتان و نصف يا بيروت، سنتان و نصف ! أتُراك تغيرتِ ؟ هذا جمالك، أنت الدائمة المتغيرة! تتغيرين و لكن لا تتحوّلين! نعيشك كما نريد! فريدة أنت هكذا، نعيشك كما نشاء. أكره رؤيتك تتغيرين عن بعد. أكره هذا الشعور، أمقته!

حين أراك من الطائرة أستغرب، أريد أن أضمك، أريد أن أضمك بقوة. كيف يضم المرء مدينة؟ لا أعلم. آخذ نفساً عميقاً ، أشعر بالراحة. كأن كل بعدي عنك كان نهاراً طويلاً شاقاً غريباً ، و كأنني عدت الى المنزل . هذا أول ما أفعله عند خروجي من المطار. نفساً عميقاً. هكذا أضمّك. جميلة أنت، رائعة الجمال. بكهولتك وصباك و رقتك و قسوتك و بشاعتك، حتى بشاعتك أجمل بشاعة !

ليست رومنسية و لا عاطفة. أعلم كم أنت قاسية، أعلم كيف تكونين بشعة، أعلم كيف تكونين قذرة، و أعلم جيداً أن كل قسوتك و بشاعتك و قذارتك أجمل من أي قسوة و بشاعة و قذارة أخرى. هذا هو الحب، هذا هو العشق يا بيروت.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


انهارت الحكومة اللبنانية ظهر اﻷربعاء الثاني عشر من كانون الثاني ٢٠١١ مخلّفةً عدداً من الجرحى و أضراراً جسيمة في المحيط.

في التفاصيل:

بعد أن حذّر خبراء بنيويون من ركاكة اﻷساسات المؤسَّسة على شفير الهاوية و رداءة مواد البناء، و بعد أن طالبوا بتدعيمها قارعين ناقوس الخطر الموجود حالياً في بشرّي عند اﻷرز، سُمِعَت عند الساعة الثانية ظهراً تقريباً أصوات تصدّع قوية، يليها صوت ارتطام عنيف. و قد نقل ثلاثة نواب من المجلس النيابي الى المستشفى اثر وقوع كتلة التنمية و التحرير عليهم أثناء الانهيار، عُلمَ أن جراحهم بين الخفيفة و المتوسطة، بينما تدمّر جزئياً محلّ قطع غيار طائرات "بوما" مملوك، داخل المجلس، من قبل المدعو أمين على نفسو جميّل، الذي كان يعمل أثناء الانهيار، داخل المجلس، على طائرة "بوما" مملوكة من قبل المدعو النائبة سامي أمين على نفسو جميّل ياي. عن الجرحى:

أمين على نفسو جميّل الذي كان داخل محلّه ، جراح متوسّطة مع بعض الإصفرار.

نايلة معوّض ريّس،النائب السابق و النائبة الدائمة، جراحها خفيفة مع انشقاق في الحنك.

بطرس حرب نفسيّة ولووو ، جراح متوسّطة مع انشراح في الغضروف اﻷغبر و أرزوفيليا

و قد عبّر الثلاثة عن فرحتهم بنجاتهم، متمنّين على الحكومة الغيرشرعية (غداً) اتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة لمنع تكرار هذه الانهيارات المتكرِّرة و المكرَّرة ، و مستنكرين هذا الانقلاب (غداً) الدستوري الغير شرعي و البعيد عن عادات و تقاليد اﻷرز .

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Obviously, and as i was pointed out by (who told me??? ) a friend in a comment here on facebook, Genpet is a Hoax, Allecra though is not , it is a real company. It was such a comfort indeed, Thank you for pointing that out. It is such a good piece of whatever the artest intended it to be, it made me feel that it is really true and made me have a position about it, it is good to know what will people think when this happens. The important think, it is a hoax, a very good one, and i think it serves its purpose. Thank you (muzna or hind? or who? ) for pointing that out. here is the link for the artists page: and in wikipedia : . Nice work.

What if GOD was one of us

It is not a matter of being atheist, religious, skeptic or whatever. Whatever your views were, you would be shocked. At first, a feeling of disbelief, it is a joke , they must be joking. Then , as you read, you realize, you are actually not so distant from the idea, you were previously prepared with scifi movies and NatGeo and discovery documentaries. You are not so far, at all, in fact, its almost here. I received it in an Email, i forgot from who, on my work email. It must be a joke, this is what i thought, i still cant totally believe it. Actually , and to think of it again, i wasnt shocked cause i think its undoable, i was shocked cause they had the guts to do it. a genetically engineered Living Creature, The Only Bioengineered Buddy as they say on their website. It looks like a human newborn, something like it at least. It comes in a package, Its hibernating the whole time in the packaging, It even can be put into hibernation when you go on a holiday or whatever. Its vocal chords are limited so it wont bother the parents, as they say on their FAQ section, it can feel pain BUT IT CANNOT EXPRESS IT TOTALLY IN SOUND because of this vocal chords limitation. It comes in two lines, 1 year lifespan and 3 years lifespan, and when it dies, you can "either burry it in your backyard like any pet or return it to BioGenica(R) , the company which made it, for bio-recycling. It is a living creature, totally designed by man, produced by man, and distributed (soon) in the market for profit. It comes in different colors, each color engineered to a specific personality. and Here it is: The GenPet(R) . The Genetically Engineered new age non allergic non parents annoying low maintenance pet.
How did that go un-noticed, or did it, is it known? anybody knew about this? It is not a matter of being an atheist or religious or skeptic, whatever your views was, i am sure the first moment you know about this product it is not religion or mythologies or existentialism that you are going to think about. I donno, it may be hollywood, the first thing that will come to your mind. It may be Arnold , Stalone and cheap movies that you are going to think about. It is hard to first make up your mind, where do i stand here?is it good, is it bad? what is this. You think, think and think, about the possibilities: Curing so many diseases (we already established that long time ago), improving the lives of so many (also previously established), Creating Commercial pets? possiblities will not cease, you must have thought about it when you first knew about bio-engineering and DNA research and most of all Dolly, you must have thought of the possibilities: New armies, New Human, Superhuman (rings a bell? am sure this is not how he meant it) , War Creatures, yes, it can happen, or did you think you would buy a new creature in 2008?? it can happen. There are no limits, there aint, i mean imagine a guardian plant at your door, a Cisco plant, that can transmit something to your mobile, it doesnt consume power, it can consume water or something. Imagine a whole team , MS Dog, Cisco Plant and Intel Inside Parrot, they can be your security, and they actually do not need high maintenance. This may be the future of AI, you would not actually acheive real AI unless you lost control of it. Hehe, now am just brainstorming live. Shocking , schocking it is, before we know it Symantec will merge with 3M, Novartis would buy Kaspersky! you would update your vaccines online! hehehe, you can plug your dog into your fireWire port and the vet would fix him! all of this, and the have a psych and a nervous system *psych again* , they would feel Pain, they would feel Disapointment, they would feel Anger. Talk about the famous MS Blue Screen of Death (i wouldnt dare to buy an MS Dog unles they supply me with a wireless ctrl+alt+delete key!!). What the hell is this, i mean , there are limits, limits even for the limitless (and not the unlimited.) How can you handle that? How can we handle this? forget about divine creation, its it not even a matter to discuss right now, there is a human creating creatures and the margin for abuse is unlimited here!! it is a good , excellent way to cure diseases while still in Limits. even with regulation , there is always going to be the underground. How can you handle this, it is already here, are you prepared to discuss it, regardless of religion and metaphysics, just bare human nature and brain, are you ready to discuss, defend or condemn this? you better be, its already here.

The pictures are taken from :

except for that of the cat (Genetically Modified) which has been taken from
A company which obviously has been creating "LifeStyle pets" for a while for around $40K

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

the tissue box

It is a desert!

it is a damn desert!

somehow, strangely enough, it is a tissue box! disposable tissues, a tissue! What a concept that is!! it feels so disposable, so weak, so detachable, it is a place where u can actually leave and never look behind, harsh but true! it is a place where u actually feel the whole thing can be disposed off in just one bit! even you, you feel disposable. Everything about you feels disposable, everything around you, no matter how you try to convince yourself , feels so ready to just, fishhhhhhht and bye.. dispose you! A tissue box, tissues and sand. You get this salty feeling, which begins to feel normal with time. Your skin feels like sand, hot sand, salty sand, the kind that annoys.A tissue box. Trying to be so clear, mixed with tons of bleachers and colorants to be so clear and appealing , inviting for quick movement, to dispose. Roots, Bloody roots! who are those people , what is this place? why is this sun , this lovely thing, that harsh, and why are you getting salty? drinking water as never before, not cause you are thirsty, but cause its water! A cactus! you are becoming a cactus! A cactus with its own sharp defense, with its own adaptive nature, harsh adaptive nature! How remote !! How remote!! how remote comfort seems, how remote your past becomes, and how fast! Matter is what matters here, and not any matter, cactus! A cactus which loves Marks & Spencer's, a cactus which shops Chanel , a cactus which green is that of Lacost! You come to remember the days you used to sit in those caffees, with rain, light small lovely drops falling, and you, never caring, just having a conversation. the drops get heavier, you move inside,its warmer, its comfy, and you carry on, a conversation. A conversation! how remote! How lovely and cooling that memory is! You think about the young ones, the ones who are still coming up, trying not to be digested, trying to resist, in their own way, without knowing, and even without knowing that they are becoming a Chanel shopping cactus! Do your work and go home, that is the way here,you are being digested, you are being adapted, and soon enough, you will learn what Chanel and Spencer's and all this shit is. You will wear Pierre Cardin, Massimo shit and head to your Cisco class . A consumers heaven built, maintained and supported by consumers, a consumers desert tissue box consuming consumers, digesting them and shitting them out with a trade mark. The desert is invading, it is! you start to feel yellowish, no, really, you start to feel yellowish! everything is like a big mirage! What the fuck is this? its a tissue!! cant you see? why are they so into it? why is everyone fucking trying this hard for a fucking tissue? Is it actually this bad? it is, it really is, but you don't feel it at once, it comes and goes, feeling it comes and goes. Mirage! its like you are in a cab , going to some appointment, but never sure you will actually reach anywhere cause it all may be a mirage!So tissueish! Roots, bloody roots! the excitement you feel remembering how it is to be heading to a solid place, a place that holds so much, a place that you actually belong to , a place that you smile on your way there, and think of how fun its gonna be. Its not that bad, but it is! Fun is so volatile! it evaporates with the moment's death here. The moment itself is so quick, if its fun. A big American motion picture. Wlak yo2borneh rabbak ya ziad shou btefham! A Big Long American Motion picture, where everybody trying to be anyone with a 20th century fox trade mark on his ass! This is the Long American motion picture right here, right now and ongoing, this is it! Everybody wants to be Rachel,Ross, chandler ... Everybody lives Timberlake, Everybody can dance and of course everybody loves :P Raymond! The American Idols, IDOLS IDOLS IDOLS! Wooooooow babe, wooow BABE ! heh, A brave new world, and idiotically unhealthy brave new world. Roots, Bloody roots! Memories are comfy, yet growing remote. Solid ground, solid buildings, solid streets and solid cities are so lovely. Solid Societies, where it rains, and when it rains you can smell the lovely smell. Where all the smells and tastes actually smell and taste for a while! A tissue box. A fucking tissue box. A tissue. A tissue that wipes the shit that the desert tissue box digested. Drink water and don't wipe the sand BABE, do your work, shop your stuff and hail your brave new world , hail the wall. Use with care.

Friday, September 21, 2007

sudo su

mmm, let's see, really feel like writin somethin, but really dont have anythin to write! maybe i can write about this! Damn! nothin!! Absolutely NOTHIN! In Limbo, mmmm,!!!!! Nope, zero! ........., nope, let's leave it for another time.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Indian Path I :: Service Pack I

An update is due, got info from another source, the sit in started from another camp, near ruwais area, where actually 7000 workers protested, got some pics, posted below, the initial demand was for overtime payments, as they work overtime but they do not get do not get paid.